Dictionary of Chinese Names
Q: Do you know how to read the name 海燕 and 肖鹏?
A: Haiyan and Xiaopeng.
Q: Do you know to write in kanji the surname Hongguang?
A: Here some possibilities: 宏光, 洪光 and 鸿光.
CJKI's Chinese Names Dictionary is a based on the CJK Dictionary Institute's comprehensive collection of over a million names and their variants -- the largest such repository in existence. The subset provided here consists of the most common 240,000 Chinese surnames and given names, accompanied by their pinyin transcriptions, and over 150,000 of the most popular romanized variants, as well as frequency of use statistics.
- Comprehensive coverage of approximately 240,000 core names with over 150,000 romanized variants selected on the basis of frequency statistics.
- Over 150,000 indexed romanized names, allowing for a variety of romanized forms, including relatively rare ones.
- Radical index with all radical variants for quick access for names of unknown pronunciation.
- Enables users, especially non-Chinese users, to find the readings of Chinese names written in Chinese characters (hanzi).
- Enables finding the hanzi version corresponding to any of the numerous romanized variants. For example, Jianguo, which can be written in hanzi as 建国, has several romanized variants such as Chienkuo, Jyangwo, Tsienkuo, and jiànguó.
- Bilingual bidrectional: English-Chinese and Chinese-English bundled in one application.
- Designed for easy use by both Chinese and non-Chinese users alike.
- User interface of superb design ensures maximum ease of use.
- Bilingual interface: user interface in Chinese and English.
- No Internet connection required.
- History and Bookmarks