CJKI Vietnamese-Japanese Dictionary
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This CJKI Vietnamese-Japanese Dictionary, which covers general vocabulary, has been optimized for the convenience of mobile users. It contains enough Japanese equivalents and other information to give the user an in-depth understanding of Vietnamese words and phrases without cluttering up the screen.
This dictionary caters to the needs of learners by providing Vietnamese example sentences, as well as synonyms and antonyms when appropriate. As is well known, a very large portion of the Vietnamese vocabulary consists of Sino-Vietnamese words and compounds, such as thế giới (世界). To facilitate more efficient learning of such words, this dictionary provides the Chinese character equivalents of these words, though the Chinese-based writing system in Vietnamese was abolished in the early 20th century.
This dictionary is a collaborative effort between The CJK Dictionary Institute, Inc. and Yutaka Inoue (based in Ho Chi Minh City), chief editor of TỪ ĐIỂN ĐIỆN TỬ TỔNG HỢP IN LẦN THỨ 2 (越日・日越総合電子辞典 第二版), who is continually working on bringing the dictionary up to date and expanding it.

- Contains over 28,000 Vietnamese entries.
- Numerous examples show how Vietnamese words are used in context.
- A reverse index allows searching for Vietnamese from Japanese.
- Synonyms and antonyms further clarify word meanings.
- Chinese characters are given for Sino-Vietnamese compounds.
- Designed for the convenience of both Vietnamese and Japanese users.
- No Internet connection required.
- History and bookmarks.
- Clean, easy to use interfaces in Vietnamese, Japanese and English.