


   Jack Halpern


   Data Licensing

Hanzi-to-Pinyin/Zhuyin Converter

Overview and Goals

H2X is a Hanzi-to-Pinyin (H2P) conversion system for Simplified Chinese and a Hanzi-to-Zhuyin (H2Z) conversion system for Traditional Chinese. It can also be expanded to other romanization systems, such as Yale and Wade-Giles. Collectively, we will refer to such a hanzi transcription system as “H2X,” where X stands for any phonemic transcription such as pinyin, zhuyin or romanized Cantonese. Below, X will often be referred to by the term reading.

H2X can be used, among others uses, to:

  • aid native speakers in reading difficult names or characters
  • aid learners to read Chinese texts
  • enable ambiguous search based on homophones (explained below)
  • sort hanzi by pinyin or zhuyin (useful for name lists and the like)

Conversion Ambiguity

An obvious and major issue with H2X is the one-to-many ambiguity of thousands of characters, the so called polyphonic hanzi (多音字 duōyīnzì), such as and yuè for 乐, resulting in numerous homophones. The disambiguation strategy for accurate H2X conversion is to tokenize the text so as to isolate individual words, then to look up in word-level hanzi mapping tables, which almost completely eliminates ambiguity. This requires the following components:

  1. Simple word tokenizer
  2. Word-level H2X mapping tables
  3. Character level H2X mapping tables

There are two kinds of homophonic ambiguity (the implications of which are described below):

  1. Homotonic: reading and tone are identical, such a 网陆 (resulting from input errors) and 网路, both wǎnglù.
  2. Heterotonic: reading is identical but tone different, such as 网炉 wǎnglú (input error) and 网路 wǎnglù.

Note that for the purposes of converting to the correct reading, the tokenizer need not be as robust as for other applications since the goal is not to extract tokens per se, but to segment just accurately enough so that the correct reading is determined. Thus the H2X tokenizer can be based on a simplified tokenization algorithm, which CJKI can provide, independently of the main tokenizer.

Ambiguous Search

H2X conversion on both the homotonic and heterotonic levels can have a major benefit: enabling ambiguous search as well as retrieval of documents even if the keywords are input erroneously, such as 网陆 for 网路. The system should thus support four conversion modes:

  1. Toneless pinyin for Simplified Chinese
  2. Toned pinyin for Simplified Chinese
  3. Toneless zhuyin for Traditional Chinese
  4. Toned zhuyin for Traditional Chinese

This means that if the search engine is properly tuned it will retrieve not only homotonic homophone pairs like网路/网陆 wǎnglù, but also heterotonic pairs like 网路/网炉 (wǎnglù vs. wǎnglú), in which the tones are different but the readings are identical.

Features of H2X Converter

The system should eventually have the following capabilities/features:

  1. 1. The source string is first extracted by the (simple) tokenizer.
  2. 2. The string is looked up in a comprehensive word-level H2X mapping table covering general vocabulary, proper nouns and technical terms.
  3. 3. Support both query errors and document errors.
  4. 4. Character level H2X mapping tables. The readings (pinyin or zhuyin) have been proofread and fine tuned over the years and include the following features:
    • The first reading has been carefully selected to ensure it is the most common.
    • The order of the other readings in the case of one-to-many mappings is based on frequency of use.
    • Rarity flags enable selecting a mode in which rare and historical readings are ignored so as to reduce ambiguity (at the slight risk of error).
    • Possibly, provide flags to indicate order of priority when a reading is used in names as opposed to general vocabulary.
    • A major feature is that SC readings are clearly distinguished from TC readings when they are heterotonic, e.g. SC as opposed to TC ㄑㄧˊ (zhuyin for ) for 期. (More details available here.
  5. The H2X conversion algorithm that (eventually) supports the following features:
    • word level conversion
    • character level conversion
    • picklist of candidates in case of one-to-many ambiguities
    • option to ignore rare/historical readings
    • possible option to fine tune output to proper nouns
    • select SC or TC reading
    • output in zhuyin
    • output in any romanization system, such as Wade-Giles and Yale
    • output in IPA broad transcription

Resources for H2X Conversion

CJKI can provide the following comprehensive mapping tables and robust algorithm for H2X conversion:

  1. SC-to-pinyin word mapping table
  2. TC-to-zhuyin word mapping table
  3. SC/TC to/from pinyin/zhuyin character mapping table
  4. H2X conversion algorithm with advanced options

For your reference, if in the future you wish to support Hanzi-to-Cantonese conversion, we can also provide the following:

  1. Hanzi-to-Cantonese mapping table
  2. Mapping table for the eight Cantonese romanization systems
  3. Hanzi-to-Cantonese conversion algorithm