


   Jack Halpern


   Data Licensing

Expanded Description of Korean Parts of Speech

See korpos.htm for POS Chart

Note: These tables are not finalized and may contain minor errors.

Japanese English English Description
名詞 generic noun a word used to represent a person, a place, or a thing and to name a particular one of them
動名詞(名詞兼形容詞) verbal noun (noun also adjective) a noun that functions as an adjective with an affix
動名詞(名詞兼動詞) verbal noun (noun also passive verb) a noun that functions as a passive verb with an
動名詞(名詞兼動詞) verbal noun (noun also verb) a noun that functions as a verb with an affix
依存名詞 bound noun a noun that requires a modifier
普通名詞 common noun a word that represents a person, a place, or a thing
助数詞 counter a unit for counting things
数詞 numeral a word that represents a number or an order
固有名詞 proper noun a noun used to name a particular one of people, places, or things
代名詞 pronoun a word used instead of a noun or a noun phrase
Japanese English English Description
動詞 generic verb a declinable word used to describe an action as a process
使役動詞 causative verb a verb that shows the action of causing something
受動動詞 passive verb a verb showing that someone or something undergoes an action
不規則動詞 irregular verb a verb that does not follow the usual rules for conjugation, and is conjugated irregularly often changing the form of its stem
Japanese English English Description
冠形詞 adnominal adjective an adjective that is always used before an indeclinable word without a postposition or an inflectional ending
形容詞 (regular) adjective a declinable word that describes an attribute or a state
不規則形容詞 irregular adjective an adjective that does not follow the usual rules for inflection, and is inflected irregularly often changing the form of its stem
副詞 generic adverb >a word that modifies a declinable word
副詞(副詞兼形容詞) adverb (adverb also adjective) an adverb that also functions as an adjective
副詞(副詞兼動詞) adverb (adverb also verb) an adverb that also functions as a verb
感嘆詞 interjection a sudden cry or remark that expresses a strong feeling or will
助詞 particle >a word attached to a word or a phrase to show the relationship between the word and another one, or add meaning
助詞 unknown unknown POS
Japanese English English Description
語尾 inflectional ending the part of a word attached to the stem of a declinable word to show various grammatical meanings
補助形容詞 adjectival ending an adjective attached to a declinable word to add grammatical meanings such as desiderative or negative
補助語幹 prefinal ending a word placed between the stem and the inflectional ending to show a tense, honorification etc.
補助動詞 auxiliary verb a verb attached to another verb or an adjective to add grammatical meanings such as progressive or cohesive
接頭辞 (lexical/derivational) prefix an element placed at the beginning of a word to emphasize or add meaning
接尾辞 (lexical/derivational) suffix an element added at the end of a word to emphasize, add meaning, or change the word’s part of speech